Tilapia with Red Onion, Olives, and Feta- In a Pouch!

I have been saving four fillets of tilapia in the freezer for a little while for foil packets on the grill. Finally, one free night we were already to grill after Ron's Honor Flight board meeting (check out this group- they are amazing!). The meeting ran a bit over so these went into the oven. Next time we grill! Not that this wasn't delicious! Enjoy!
1 lbs tilapia fillets, about 4 fillets
1/2 red onion, sliced thin
1/4 cup sliced black olives
1/2 cup feta (I used reduced fat)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp dried dill
salt & pepper

Preheat over to 350 degrees. Lay out two pieces of aluminum foil. Spray foil with PAM so the fish won't stick. In a medium saute pan, cook onions till tender. Place two pieces of fish in the center of each piece of foil. Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and dill. Top with onions, olives, and feta. Make a pouch for the fish. Bring long sides together and secure. Then secure the end by rolling to center. Place fish on a baking sheet. Bake for 25-30 minutes until fish is white and tender.
