Monday, January 6, 2014

Weekly Meal Plan 1/6 - 1/12

Hello from freezing cold Wisconsin! 

I woke up to -18 below today (-41 below with the windchill) and wanted to dive back under my covers. It is the kind of chill that takes your breath away when you walk out the front door.  The other bummer is that our garage door broke with weekend stranding my car outside...on the bright side at least both cars weren't stranded inside the garage!

This weekend was a lot of fun. We had dinner with friends on Friday and I went to dinner with a few girlfriends on Saturday.  On Sunday I made a big pot of chili and we watched the Packer game. To our disappointment the Packer are done for the season. I am hoping that next year is a better year for the Packers and I can't wait to cheer them on next fall! There is always a transition period after Packer football is done in our house. From September on we have a bit of a Sunday ritual and after the season is over we have to re-learn how to exist on football free Sundays.  However, I am excited about the start of the basketball season because I love March Madness!  I am and always will be a Badgers fan, but I also cheer for the Kentucky Wildcats. This annoys my father because he is a native to Indiana and, I am told, the rivalry is very big! 

Hope everyone has a great week and STAY WARM! 

Monday:  Corned Beef Hash, Poached Eggs and Toast
Tuesday: Curry Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes and Peas
Wednesday: Out for dinner
Thursday: Italian Chicken, Green Beans and Potatoes 
Friday: Work Holiday Party
Saturday: Niece's Birthday Party and Take Out Thai for dinner
Sunday:  Lentil and Sausage Soup

Treats: Healthy Chocolate Pudding

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