Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Crockpot Creamy Italian Chicken Over Egg Noodles

Happy hump day!

This is a meal that I found on Pinterest from a few different sources and is one of those recipes that everyone seems to have a variation of. I loved how comforting and nostalgic the creamy chicken was when paired with the buttered egg noodles.  Kellen and I both loved the meal, but Ron was not overly impressed. I also loved that is made fantastic leftovers for work the following day.  Next time I may add a few veggies to the dish for a little texture, but was overall very happy with the meal.  The flavors from the Italian seasoning added a nice zesty flavor to the chicken. 

This week is flying by and tomorrow my baby turns 2! I can’t believe how fast time has gone and wish there was a way to slow down. I love watching him learn and grow, but it all seems so fast.

Yesterday we finished getting the decorations on our Christmas tree and general holiday decor around the house. Kellen was a sweet helper and handed me ornaments  and directed me to different free branches for each one.  He got bored after about 20 minutes and tore around the house in his Santa hat yelling “ho ho ho!”, but that was equally adorable.  Tonight, Ron is working at the lab and my friend Emily is coming over for our Law and Order: SVU fix. I found a test on Buzzfeed yesterday to determine which Law and Order SVU ADA I was. Fantastic. In case you are wondering I am Rafael Barba and my friend Emily was Alex Cabot. If you do not know who these people are I think it is high time that you sit down and let yourself fall victim to an SVU marathon.

As I mentioned tomorrow is Kellen’s birthday. Sniff. He is going to daycare and told me that he wants to “see friends”.  I am putting together a little treat for him to bring and share with his class. After daycare we are meeting friends for pasta and ice cream- another two of his favorites. 


1 1/2 lb chicken breasts
One envelope Italian dressing mix
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 cups chicken stock
8 oz cream cheese, cubed
1 lb wide egg noodles
2 Tbl salted butter


Lightly spray inside of slowcooker with cooking spray. Place chicken in the bottom to the slowcooker. Evenly sprinkle Italian mix, pepper and garlic powder over the chicken. In a medium bowl mix soup with chicken stock. Pour over chicken. Cook on low 7-8 hours. Remove chicken and shred into large pieces. Return to slowcooker and add cream cheese. Allow chicken to continue cooking, while periodically stirring, for an additional 30 minutes. After you add the cream cheese cook the noodles. Drain and return to pot. Add butter and gently stir. Serve cchicken over egg noodles. Garnish with chopped parsley if desired. 


  1. That looks like something my family would LOVE! I think I just pinned half of your recipes. :)

  2. It is so easy for a weeknight! I am so happy you found things you like!
