Introducing Rowan Hayes Lecker!
Rowan was born on 4/2/16 at 7:44 AM. He came in at a whopping 11 lbs 8 oz and 23 inches long! His brother was about 10 1/2 lbs and was the same length....big boys! We were actually shocked by how big he was considering he only came 4 days late and there was no gestational diabetes. Makes me nervous if we have another one- these boys like to keep their mother on her toes.
Rowan had a few oxygen and breathing issues and his journey started off a little rough and he was in the NICU for 11 days, but is now healthy and home with his family. He is so sweet and such a big cuddle bug.
I will write up his birth story in a bit, but for now I am just enjoying my time with my sweet boy.
I will write up his birth story in a bit, but for now I am just enjoying my time with my sweet boy.
Big babies are the cutest :) My daughter was 9.13 ounces and my son was 10.8 ounces. Rowan is super handsome!