Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Strawberry Margarita Popsicles #CookOutWeek

Welcome to Day 2 of #CookOutWeek! 

I have a few delicious recipes coming up featuring recipes from our generous sponsors! Click here to checkout my welcome post and read all about #cookoutweek and our amazing giveaway!  I wanted to kick off this summer themed recipe challenge to share a recipe that combines two of my favorite things to enjoy at a cookout- margaritas and popsicles. 

It is strawberry season in Wisconsin and what better way to enjoy a margarita than to add fresh delicious strawberries? For this recipe I use a homemade margarita base, but limeade would also work perfectly. Add a few muddled strawberries and a pinch of salt to each pop and you have a perfect hot weather treat. I actually like to a bit of silver tequila in a glass the place my popsicle right in the glass.... perfect way to adapt this non-alcoholic treat for adults.

I bought a popsicle mold last summer and this is my first time using it! For some reason I thought it was going to be difficult to use....lucky for me I found pour liquid into a mold. Ha. I opted to mash my fresh berries because I like have pieces of frozen fruit, but if you prefer a smoother texture you can puree your fruit.  These frozen treats are a perfect way to start summer and if you serve them with a little tequila your guests be thrilled. I had a little additional salt on the side to sprinkle as well and it was perfect to essentially create a margarita on a stick! My popsicle mold makes 6 popsicles, but you can adjust your recipe depending on how many you make and the size of the molds.

I can't wait to enjoy one of these babies with a bit of tequila on my patio with my husband after the kiddos are down for the night! Check back the rest of the week for more amazing #CookOutWeek recipes, don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter and checkout the link-up below!


1 1/2 cups margarita mix or limeade 
6 strawberries, mashed (enough for just over a Tablespoon per pop)
sprinkle of salt
(optional tequila and additional salt for sprinkling)


Evenly divide the mashed strawberries between the popsicle molds. Sprinkle a small pinch of salt over strawberries. Top with margarita mix to the popsicle molds fill line. Freeze according to product recommendations (mine was 8 hours). Once frozen enjoy on it's own or in a small glass of tequila with a bit of salt for sprinkling. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway