Thursday, February 16, 2012

Carrot and Ginger Risotto

Another Improv Cooking Challenege has come! This month's theme is carrots and ginger. I was originally thinking about a glazed carrot side dish, but decided against it.  We have a lot of fresh fish in our house as a result of Ron's ice fishing, and I thought the flavors of the two ingredients would be nice in a risotto. I love making risottos, and this one did not dissappoint. I loved the spice of the ginger with the sweetness of the carrots, and creaminess of the cheese. Yum! This is a great side dish to add to any menu. As always a big big thanks to Kristen for organizing this challenege. If you want to join in the fun hop over to her blog and sign up! Next month's theme is potatoes and cheese!
1 cup Arborio Rice
4 cups chicken stock
1 shallot, diced
1 cup shredded carrot
2 Tbl grated ginger
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
1 Tbl butter
2 Tbl olive oil
1/2 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp salt


Place chicken stock in a medium saucepan. Bring  to a simmer (do not boil). Keep warm over low-medium heat.

Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil and 1 tablespoon of butter to pan; swirl to coat. Add carrots, ginger, and shallots. Saute on low for 10 minutes. Stir in rice, and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Increase heat to medium. Add 1 cup stock and cook 3-5 minutes or until liquid is nearly absorbed, stirring constantly (The stock should sizzle when it hits the pan to make sure you don't keep your heat too low).  Add remaining broth, 1/2 cup at a time, stirring constantly until each portion of stock is absorbed before adding the next. Right before you serve the risotto, stir in the cheese and season with salt and pepper. 


  1. What a beautiful risotto. I love that some have gone the savory route, my poor brain always goes straight to dessert (I went with donuts this month).

  2. Your risotto looks and sounds wonderful, great ICC recipe.

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my Improv Cooking Challenge entry: Shrimp & Avocado Salad with Carrot Ginger Dressing

    Cook Lisa Cook

  3. Love this spin on the improve ingredients. A risotto would have never crossed my mind!

  4. Beautiful risotto! What a great idea!

  5. I love risotto, and what a creative way to solve this challenge! :) Isn't it so cool to see everyone's ideas?

  6. This sounds SO good. I adore risottos and I am sure this one would be fantastic.

  7. Your risotto is beautiful! Great use of the ingredients. :)

  8. Ashley,
    This is a beautiful Risotto, I just love the color and the flavor. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great week end!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen
