Monday, May 14, 2012


Some of you may be wondering where I have been the past few weeks.... where are all the recipe? All the activity? All the food?!?

This Thanksgiving we will be giving thanks for more than turkey because a new addition to the family is waiting in the wing to make his/her appearance!


Baby Lecker
(or Poulet - baby turkey as Ron calls it...poor thing)

We are so excited and thrilled about the new addition to our family! However, Baby Lecker has a few things it does not care for... Thankfully, I have not been sick but have had terrible food aversions!  I can feel myself slowly coming back to somethings and hopefully I will be a bit more normal with my eating habits as time goes on.  However, I think chicken and Chinese food might have to stay away for a few more months. I am always curious about other Moms- what were your food aversions or loves?  For future reference, do not be alarmed if you see more baked good with frosting coming across the blog... Thank you for all your support! We could not be more excited!


  1. Congrats! That's awesome. For my daughter I couldn't eat anything the first 16 weeks, but after that bring on the tacos and boxed mac-n-cheese! LOL. My kids are 7 and 9 now, and we are finally eating chicken breasts in our house again - they were def on my no list! :) Hope you're feeling better and can't wait to hear how you're progressing.

  2. Aww...congrats to you and Ron!! Keep us posted :)

  3. CONGRATS!!! I'm so excited for you guys.

    When I was pregnant I had no appetite the first 3 months and serious food aversions to meat at that point. Once I got my appetite back I couldn't stand mushrooms for some reason. But pregnancy finally gave me a love for pineapple, which I still have.

  4. Meat is on my list.... mushrooms too! I usually love them and now only like them on pizza. Sometimes it's like invasion of the body snatchers!
