Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Breakfast Burgers

It is election day in Wisconsin! As a lot of you know I use to work for the United States Congress. I really like this job, but it did have it's draw backs (2 year terms: good for the big picture, but not so good for planning a life....). Today, Wisconsin is holding a recall election to in attempts to recall Scott Walker. I know a lot of bloggers shy away from talking about politics.  As you know from my other posts- I do not. I think that mainly has to do with the fact that it was my profession and something I have a degree in. It makes me sad when people create rules of no political talk. What if our founding fathers did that with their friends? I bet a lot of things would not exist.  If at anytime you want to ask me why I feel a certain way about something please feel free below.  Ron and I proudly cast our votes for Mayor Tom Barrett this morning. We were voters 94 & 95 at twenty after seven thing morning! They are expecting a 65% turnout at the polls which is unprecedented.

Now on to the food! Ron and I put together these burger the other night. I have really been liking eggs lately and Ron wanted a burger.  This is really simple to put together and very yummy. It is not a very healthy burger so we like to keep the burgers on the small side. We enjoyed this meal with a new cheesy potato recipe (coming soon!) and salad. I hope everyone is having a lovely week. It is suppose to get hot this week in Wisconsin!

1 lb lean ground beef (yo can use more if you like a bigger burger)
4 slices sharp cheddar cheese
8 slices center cut bacon
4 eggs
4 hamburger buns
cooking spray
salt & pepper

Preheat a grill to medium high. Form the beef into four burgers.  Season the patties on both sides with salt and pepper. Grill burgers for about 3-4 minutes on the first side.  Flip, add cheddar cheese,  and cook for an additional 3 minutes. Remove burgers from grill and cover to keep warm.

Once cook bacon until crispy (we do it in the microwave). Spray a medium skillet with cooking spray. Heat over medium-high and crack eggs into the pan. Seasoning with salt and/or pepper if desired. Flip when the eggs begin to set (you can also break the yolk or scramble depending on how you like your eggs).

Place burgers on buns, top with and egg, and 2 strips of bacon.  Enjoy!


  1. We have a little bar and grill on the lake near us that serves burgers this way, but I can honestly say I have never thought of trying it at home! Not sure why, but we are going to the next time we have burgers! Yum! Thanks!

  2. Yes!! Red Robin has a burger topped with a fried egg that I've unsuccessfully tried to recreate at home. I love burgers with fried eggs. :)

  3. These were delicious! Made them for SRC today!
