Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oreo Layer Dessert

This is so delicious. I originally saw this recipe from House 344 on Pinterst and knew I had to try it. The recipe makes an entire 9x13 casserole dish and thankfully we had a work lunch last week. Everyone loved this dessert, and I loved how simple it was to put together! It may not be the most beautiful dessert, but if you love oreos and chocolate it sure is yummy!

In other news, the babe has hit the 6 month mark! Three more months to go till we get to meet him! I am very excited, but nervous at the same time. It is crazy how much life will change. Right now I am savoring the moments of being able to hop in the car quickly to run around and uninterrupted sleep while it lasts!


1 pkg of regular Oreos
1/2 cup of butter
1 lg box of instant chocolate pudding
2-8 oz cool whips
8 oz. of cream cheese, softened
1 cup powdered sugar
Crush the whole package of cookies either with a food processor, or in a bag and a rolling pin.  Save a 1/2 c. to sprinkle on top of dessert when it's done.  Pour remaining crumbs in a 13x9 pan.  Melt butter and pour into crumb mix.  Stir it up good and press crumbs in bottom of pan to make a crust.  Make chocolate pudding according to package directions and let it setup in the fridge.  In a mixing bowl blend cream cheese until nice and smooth and then add powdered sugar, mix.  Then fold in 1-8 oz thing of cool whip.  Top oreo layer with cream cheese mix, then pudding, then your last 8 oz thing of cool whip, and then sprinkle remaining Oreo's on top.  Cover and refridgerate until ready to serve. 

1 comment:

  1. That looks absolutely delicious ;)

    Stopping by from Totally Tasty Tuesday.
